Friday, May 12, 2017

architecture satires

Architecture Design Process
Maze in between four planes
And horizontally in between m20 surface
In urge of making difference
Dissecting design problems
Bringing genuine solution within perfect frame
Lines planes and volumes are out of existence
Only mysterious dream, primordial
Concept and scattered contents
Struggling to be a masterpiece

FLW says nature is a source of inspiration
And an inevitable sensation
Process change to trauma causing depression
Although copying nature mentor says
Isn’t it too literal?
Be little spiritual and try to abstract some character
neither the shape and form but the underlying principle

Meaning of time in architecture
In Einsteinian science
Time exist in space-time curve as 4th dimension
In art of Salvador Dali
Time melts and time floats
In architecture of L.I.Kahn and C . Alexander
Time is just Timeless
or time diminishes in the realm of architecture and exist no-more
This urge of timelessness in design process screwed up every deadlines

Architecture is a frozen music
why always this
why not
Architecture as a poetical assembly of materials
Architecture as clicking happiest living moments
Architecture as a chessboard organised in middle of game
Architecture as
Glimpses such as frames of motion, fraction of light, gest of speed
Architecture as
Gesture such as stillness of posture, photogenic model figures, emotional gestures, expressive acts
Architecture as
Paused sports such as moment of athlete, footballer best move, basketball best shot, cricketer best bats, pin pong service gesture or even best shot.

Morning shows the day
We work late at night
We are in bed till late morning
We dream at working time
We are the architects
And that’s called
“Morning shows the day”
#architecturesatire #architecturesarcasm

Theory of user convenience
When architects and planners cross the road away form the zebra crossing.
you know what they are supposed to answer.

@Architecture satire

 Architecture and zen

its literal that zen which starts from letter Z(end of an alphabet) defines itself as transmission outside scriptures.
and architecture which start form A(beginning of a alphabet) defines
nothing ;-) 
just a prank.

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