Sunday, September 2, 2012

commercial complex

Commercial complex may be stated as alienation of all profitable services under same roof or single building. So that complex name may also be given as its constituent can be various types like shopping, entertainment , games, fun parks, theater, offices, restaurants, fitness club and many more. Anyway its now the basic element of urban and developing cities of present generation.
The history of united services dates back to US as start of automobiles and migration of cities to suburb area.  The change brought by industrial era lead to development of cities and rise in income which got crowded and created the possibility of bigger markets. Now there may be no cities in world that lacks supermarkets and commercial complex. Some buildings even stands as land mark and shows the living standards of people. Nepal has history of combined markets from 2000 years in karats and lichhavi period when they created the nodes of trade routes as commercial space. But Nepal had to wait the single complete modern building until Bishal Bazar was completed in 2026 BS. The complex was also based on early civilization as siting is done on main trade node. Now from period of Bishal Baazar to civil mall the complex clearly shows the changes and differences. Also important thing is this malls states the changing status of Nepali people, their choice, needs and desire, thinking’s and economy.
So, what for architects? Those complex are need of time and our product to satisfy  customers and occupants. Nowadays complex design seems frequent opportunity since its growth is rapid. These complex shows behavior of repelling to each other, which is creating its distribution all over cities. And main challenges is how to adjust with existing surrounding building. The targeted space of those complex are residential area, intersections or any centers. Customers may be people of all occupations from officers, students, farmers, businessman etc. Those complex can be places for services, recreation, fun and entertainment, food, meeting and many more. So the spaces in complex need to welcoming, pleasing,stimulating,recreational, good to stand longer and healthy. The complexes have also challenge to integrate the present time and become update with new inventions and fulfill the wish of consumer or customers. The present condition and need of today is also to inherit sustainability issue  and go for green design in terms of power supply, HVAC and waste management.

Also to built within the chaos of cities like kathmandu in next  problem. Its time to think again about the international trends and its application weather it is suitable or not. Like fashion of ACP cladding in top ten polluted cities and also in the name called ‘Cities of Temples’. The living standards of people, difference of working society, confusion in understanding and importance of architecture in public, chaotic planning of urban, economic factor are some unsolved problem to us stilled to be fought. This gives more misguidance and disorder in an Architecture of a city. Urbanization of city like kathmandu valley gives more constrains in terms to create space within no space. The reality is that we need everything in one place but there is no space at all and the malls of present day still lack this. It is not only we fight for our rights but now may be we should fight for heath, fight for fresh air, fight for drinkable water and fight for our earth, our environment, our rivers and our heritage.
  The city and people are modern but at the same time we should not forget what we are known for and what we are good for. May be we have enough concepts, backgrounds, materials and idea that can create architecture of our own, architecture of place and people.

Conceptual Block Model
Study Model