Sunday, September 2, 2012

Academic Project -Sports Complex

Sports complex tends to be a one place sports arena with facility and equipment of all sports as far as possible. From philosophical context sports alike any game is a social product as an artificial construct by human. it is an outcome born by the need the urban society for recreation, healthy life, entertainment and use of leisure time. it is as the integral part of the city life similar to the one place shopping complex, business and corporate center of downtown, streets, parks and gardens. sports history dates back as far as the human social organisation for various reason. sports must be started with recreation culture and entertainment for kings and people and celebration times along with singing, dancing with their own music. the sports culture has been used differently and with different purpose and rules according the social and political structure. Colosseum is living example for specific purpose of that particular political strategy and to keep the system alive. since then sports has been an vital strategy for high capitalist. At least the European football craze and influence all over the world for games has shown that. We have our own history that the late king of Gorkha, king Dravya shah has been send to thrown because of winning the horse race which proves that the strongest and healthy blood when possess thrown could change so much that nobody could dream in that period and now we live on their unified land and witnessed the consequence in our own lifetime.

Sports has its own benefit especially on urban context where people are less physically active rather than are on rush all the time with the enslaving dogma ‘time is money’. In this context within a short period of time, conscious and physically diagnosed people wants to continue their good or improve health. This may be the birth of sports center on urban, otherwise there is no need of sports complex on village and rural area neither on small town. There are lots of open field where they can play and practice and because they are physically active and they don't need to loss their weight nor they will have time and big buck to waste on sports center.

But on the urban context the sports complex is gift for the people seeking for good health. They don't need to run and walk along dusty and noisy roads which degrade heath rather then to improve. Complex itself can create a jugging and sports arena with park and garden like environment along with special time table routine and function for special kinds like gaining or loosing weight, weight lifting, gym and body building, curing disease, heath improvement and physical and mental improvement. and also learners and trainers with hostel facility could provide course practice for regional, national and international competition also could host it too. this could be great platform for improving an individual performance.

From an analysis of society and lifestyle of people too this habit of going sports arena is better on an individual health and one psychology and thoughts. lots of children today waste their time on screen watching and playing games instead of practicing in real. they are addicted by the virtual world of 2D screen exploiting the mentality of teens and children. they are being the ‘indoor human’ a total degrading mutation is happening right in front of our eyes. one hand the children are depressed by the rules and constrains cutting off their freedom by man made laws and again the urban physical chaos has directed them to rebellion character with dangerous thoughts. This is sure increasing streets robbery, crime and drug addiction. most of polite or obedient children sits as old fatigue body inside room and one who wants to peep out of window stock on social ambush of vulgarity. so i hope the culture of sport center will definitely catch the essence of time and change the society and lifestyle to positive direction.

‘Sports for all’ this logo which i think is necessary in present context. now most of clubs and sports center are of public owned. those are more profit oriented rather than service. most of them has targeted their costumer as high economic class and tourists. this has nothing to do with middle class and poor people and specially for an average Nepali citizen. So its necessary that sports complex should be opened on community level or through governmental sector keeping it basic need of urban as parks, garden and open spaces. a little bit awareness program could multiply the consciousness on people about the need of sports complex which really meant for them neither as expensive clubs. as an example the practice of Ram Dev has such a popular culture on valley so why not about sports complex. sports complex could be a new trend, only more level of consciousness is necessary. This will eradicate the screen based learning and could give more lively and natural way doing along with improving social bond.

Thus the sports complex could be a social center or more as communal hub like the chowks and Bahals of Newar settlements. the complex stands as temple where people respect from their heart, not by praying but practicing. 

concept : Lines of action and reaction


mass and voids

pre-final model

Final Model

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